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April 25, 2024

Petter Reinholdtsen

45 orphaned Debian packages moved to git, 391 to go

Nine days ago, I started migrating orphaned Debian packages with no version control system listed in debian/control of the source to git. At the time there were 438 such packages. Now there are 391, according to the UDD. In reality it is slightly less, as there is a delay between uploads and UDD updates. In the nine days since, I have thus been able to work my way through ten percent of the packages. I am starting to run out of steam, and hope someone else will also help brushing some dust of these packages. Here is a recipe how to do it. I start by picking a random package by querying the UDD for a list of 10 random packages from the set of remaining packages:

PGPASSWORD="udd-mirror" psql --port=5432 --host=udd-mirror.debian.net \
  --username=udd-mirror udd -c "select source from sources \
   where release = 'sid' and (vcs_url ilike '%anonscm.debian.org%' \
   OR vcs_browser ilike '%anonscm.debian.org%' or vcs_url IS NULL \
   OR vcs_browser IS NULL) AND maintainer ilike '%packages@qa.debian.org%' \
   order by random() limit 10;"

Next, I visit http://salsa.debian.org/debian and search for the package name, to ensure no git repository already exist. If it does, I clone it and try to get it to an uploadable state, and add the Vcs-* entries in d/control to make the repository more widely known. These packages are a minority, so I will not cover that use case here.

For packages without an existing git repository, I run the following script debian-snap-to-salsa to prepare a git repository with the existing packaging.

# See also https://bugs.debian.org/804722#31

set -e

# Move to this Standards-Version.


if [ -z "$PKG" ]; then
    echo "usage: $0 "
    exit 1

if [ -e "${PKG}-salsa" ]; then
    echo "error: ${PKG}-salsa already exist, aborting."
    exit 1

if [ -z "ALLOWFAILURE" ] ; then

# Fetch every snapshotted source package.  Manually loop until all
# transfers succeed, as 'gbp import-dscs --debsnap' do not fail on
# download failures.
until debsnap --force -v $PKG || $ALLOWFAILURE ; do sleep 1; done
mkdir ${PKG}-salsa; cd ${PKG}-salsa
git init

# Specify branches to override any debian/gbp.conf file present in the
# source package.
gbp import-dscs  --debian-branch=master --upstream-branch=upstream \
    --pristine-tar ../source-$PKG/*.dsc

# Add Vcs pointing to Salsa Debian project (must be manually created
# and pushed to).
if ! grep -q ^Vcs- debian/control ; then
    awk "BEGIN { s=1 } /^\$/ { if (s==1) { print \"Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/$PKG\"; print \"Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/$PKG.git\" }; s=0 } { print }" < debian/control > debian/control.new && mv debian/control.new debian/control
    git commit -m "Updated vcs in d/control to Salsa." debian/control

# Tell gbp to enforce the use of pristine-tar.
inifile +inifile debian/gbp.conf +create +section DEFAULT +key pristine-tar +value True
git add debian/gbp.conf
git commit -m "Added d/gbp.conf to enforce the use of pristine-tar." debian/gbp.conf

# Update to latest Standards-Version.
SV="$(grep ^Standards-Version: debian/control|awk '{print $2}')"
if [ $SV_LATEST != $SV ]; then
    sed -i "s/\(Standards-Version: \)\(.*\)/\1$SV_LATEST/" debian/control
    git commit -m "Updated Standards-Version from $SV to $SV_LATEST." debian/control

if grep -q pkg-config debian/control; then
    sed -i s/pkg-config/pkgconf/ debian/control
    git commit -m "Replaced obsolete pkg-config build dependency with pkgconf." debian/control

if grep -q libncurses5-dev debian/control; then
    sed -i s/libncurses5-dev/libncurses-dev/ debian/control
    git commit -m "Replaced obsolete libncurses5-dev build dependency with libncurses-dev." debian/control
Some times the debsnap script fail to download some of the versions. In those cases I investigate, and if I decide the failing versions will not be missed, I call it using ALLOWFAILURE=true to ignore the problem and create the git repository anyway.

With the git repository in place, I do a test build (gbp buildpackage) to ensure the build is actually working. If it does not I pick a different package, or if the build failure is trivial to fix, I fix it before continuing. At this stage I revisit http://salsa.debian.org/debian and create the project under this group for the package. I then follow the instructions to publish the local git repository. Here is from a recent example:

git remote add origin git@salsa.debian.org:debian/perl-byacc.git
git push --set-upstream origin master upstream pristine-tar
git push --tags

With a working build, I have a look at the build rules if I want to remove some more dust. I normally try to move to debhelper compat level 13, which involves removing debian/compat and modifying debian/control to build depend on debhelper-compat (=13). I also test with 'Rules-Requires-Root: no' in debian/control and verify in debian/rules that hardening is enabled, and include all of these if the package still build. If it fail to build with level 13, I try with 12, 11, 10 and so on until I find a level where it build, as I do not want to spend a lot of time fixing build issues.

Some times, when I feel inspired, I make sure debian/copyright is converted to the machine readable format, often by starting with 'debhelper -cc' and then cleaning up the autogenerated content until it matches realities. If I feel like it, I might also clean up non-dh-based debian/rules files to use the short style dh build rules.

Once I have removed all the dust I care to process for the package, I run 'gbp dch' to generate a debian/changelog entry based on the commits done so far, run 'dch -r' to switch from 'UNRELEASED' to 'unstable' and get an editor to make sure the 'QA upload' marker is in place and that all long commit descriptions are wrapped into sensible lengths, run 'debcommit --release -a' to commit and tag the new debian/changelog entry, run 'debuild -S' to build a source only package, and 'dput ../perl-byacc_2.0-10_source.changes' to do the upload. During the entire process, and many times per step, I run 'debuild' to verify the changes done still work. I also some times verify the set of built files using 'find debian' to see if I can spot any problems (like no file in usr/bin any more or empty package). I also try to fix all lintian issues reported at the end of each 'debuild' run.

If I find Debian specific patches, I try to ensure their metadata is fairly up to date and some times I even try to reach out to upstream, to make the upstream project aware of the patches. Most of my emails bounce, so the success rate is low. For projects with no Homepage entry in debian/control I try to track down one, and for packages with no debian/watch file I try to create one. But at least for some of the packages I have been unable to find a functioning upstream, and must skip both of these.

If I could handle ten percent in nine days, twenty people could complete the rest in less then five days. I use approximately twenty minutes per package, when I have twenty minutes spare time to spend. Perhaps you got twenty minutes to spare too?

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Apr 25, 2024 20:00

Peter Hansteen (That Grumpy BSD Guy)

A Few of My Favorite Things About The OpenBSD Packet Filter Tools

The OpenBSD packet filter PF was introduced a little more than 20 years ago as part of OpenBSD 3.0. We'll take a short tour of PF features and tools that I have enjoyed using.

NOTE: If you are more of a slides person, the condensate for a SEMIBUG user group meeting is available here. A version without trackers but “classical” formatting is available here.

At the time the OpenBSD project introduced its new packet filter subsystem in 2001, I was nowhere near the essentially full time OpenBSD user I would soon become. I did however quickly recognize that even what was later dubbed “the working prototype” was reported to perform better in most contexts than the code it replaced.

The reason PF's predecessor needed to be replaced has been covered extensively by myself and others elsewhere, so I'll limit myself to noting that the reason was that several somebodies finally read and understood the code's license and decided that it was not in fact open source in any acceptable meaning of the term.

Anyway the initial PF release was very close in features and syntax to the code it replaced. And even at that time, the config syntax was a lot more human readable than the alternative I had been handling up to then, which was Linux' IPtables. The less is said about IPtables, the better.

But soon visible improvements in user friendliness, or at least admin friendliness, started turning up. With OpenBSD 3.2, the separate /etc/nat.conf network adress translation configuration file moved to the attic and the NAT and redirection options moved into the main PF config file /etc/pf.conf.

The next version, OpenBSD 3.3, saw the ALTQ queueing configuration move into pf.conf as well, and the previously separate altq.conf file became obsolete. What did not change, however, was the syntax, which was to remain just bothersome enough that many of us put off playing with traffic shaping until some years later. Other PF news in that release included anchors, or named sub-rulesets, as well as tables, described as "a very efficient way for large address lists in rules" and the initial release of spamd(8), the spam deferral daemon.

More on all of these things later, I will not bore you with a detailed history of PF features introduced or changed in OpenBSD over the last twenty-some years.

PF Rulesets: The Basics

So how do we go about writing that perfect firewall config?

I could go on about that at length, and I have been known to on occasion, but let us start with the simplest possible, yet absolutely secure PF ruleset:


With that in place, you are totally secure. No traffic will pass.

Or as they say in the trade, you have virtually unplugged yourself from the rest of the world.

By way of getting ahead of ourselves, that particular ruleset will expand to the following:

block drop all

But we are getting ahead of ourselves.

To provide you with a few tools and some context, these are the basic building blocks of a PF rule:

verb criteria action ... options

Here are a few sample rules to put it into context, all lifted from configurations I have put into production:

pass in on egress proto tcp to egress port ssh

This first sample says that if a packet arrives on the egress — an interface belonging to the group of interfaces that has a default route — and that packet is a TCP packet with a destination service ssh, let the packet pass to the interfaces belonging to the egress interface group.

Yes, when you write PF rulesets, you do not necessarily need to write port numbers for services and memorize what services hide behind port 80, 53 or 443. The common or standard services are known to the rules parsing part of pfctl(8), generally with the service names you can look up in the /etc/services file.

The interface groups concept is as far as I know an OpenBSD innovation. You can put interfaces into logical groups and reference the group name in PF configurations. A few default interface groups exist without you doing anything, egress is one, another common one is wlan where all configured WiFi interfaces are members by default. Keep in mind that you can create your own interface groups — set them up using ifconfig(8) — and refer to them in your rules.

match out on egress nat-to egress

This one matches outbound traffic, again on egress (which in the simpler cases consists of one interface) and applies the nat-to action on the packets, transforming them so that the next hops all the way to the destination will see packets where the source address is equal to the egress interface's address. If your network runs IPv4 and you have only one routeable address assigned, you will more than likely have something like this configured on your Internet-facing gateway.

It is worth noting that early PF versions did not have the match verb. After a few years of PF practice, developers and practitioners alike saw the need for a way to apply actions such as nat-to or other transformations without making a decision on whether to pass or block the traffic. The match keyword arrived in OpenBSD 4.6 and in retrospect seems like a prelude to more extensive changes that followed over the next few releases.

Next up is a variation on the initial absolutely secure ruleset.

block all

I will tell you now so you will not be surprised later: If you had made a configuration with those three rules in that order, your configuration would be functionally the same as the one word one we started with. This is because in PF configurations, the rules are evaluated from top to bottom, and the last matching rule wins.

The only escape from this progression is to insert a quick modifier after the verb, as in

pass quick from (self)

which will stop evaluation when a packet matches the criteria in the quick rule. Please use sparingly if at all.

There is a specific reason why PF behaves like this. The system that PF replaced in OpenBSD had the top to bottom, last match wins logic, and the developers did not want to break existing configurations too badly during the transition away from the old system.

So in practice you would put them in this order for a more functional setup,

  block all
  match out on egress nat-to egress
  pass in on egress proto tcp to egress port ssh

but likely supplemented by a few other items.

For those supplementing items, we can take a look at some of the PF features that can help you write readable and maintainable rulesets. And while a readable ruleset is not automatically a more secure one, readability certainly helps spot errors in your logic that could put the systems and users in your care in reach of potential threats.

To help that readability, it is important to be aware of these features:

Options: General configuration options that set the parameters for the ruleset, such as

  set limit states 100000
  set debug debug
  set loginterface dc0
  set timeout tcp.first 120 
  set timeout tcp.established 86400 
  set timeout { adaptive.start 6000, adaptive.end 12000 }

If the meaning of some of those do not seem terribly obvious to you at this point, that's fine. They are all extensively documented in the pf.conf man page.

Macros: Content that will expand in place, such as lists of services, interface names or other items you feel useful. Some examples along with rules that use them:

  ext_if = "kue0" 
  all_ifs = "{" $ext_if lo0 "}" 
  pass out on $ext_if from any to any 
  pass in  on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 25

Keep in mind that if your macros expand to lists of either ports or IP addresses, the macro expansion will create several rules to cover your definitions in the ruleset that is eventually loaded.

Tables: Data structures that are specifically designed to store IP addresses and networks. Originally devised to be a more efficient way to store IP addresses than macros that contained IP addresses and expanded to several rules that needed to be evaluated separately. Rules can refer to tables so the rule will match any member of the table.

  table <badhosts> persist counters file "/home/peter/badhosts"
  # ...
  block from <badhosts>

Here the table is loaded from a file. You can also initialize a table in pf.conf itself, and you can even manipulate table contents from the command line without reloading the rules:

$ doas pfctl -t badhosts -T add 2001:db8::dead:beef:baad:f00d

In addition, several of the daemons in the OpenBSD base system such as spamd, bgpd and dhcpd can be set up to interact with your PF rules.

Rules: The rules with the verbs, criteria and actions that determine how your system handles network traffic.

A very simple and reasonable baseline is one that blocks all incoming traffic but allows all traffic initiated on the local system:

  pass from (self)

The pass rule lets our traffic pass to elsewhere, and since PF is a stateful firewall by default, return traffic for the connections the local system sends out will be allowed back.

You probably noticed the configuration here references something called (self).

The string self is a default macro which expands to all configured local interfaces on the host. Here, self is set inside parentheses () which indicates that one or more of the interfaces in self may have dynamically allocated addresses and that PF will detect any changes in the configured interface IP addresses.

This exact ruleset expanded to this on my laptop in my home network at one point:

 $ doas pfctl -vnf /etc/pf.conf
   block drop all
   pass inet6 from ::1 to any flags S/SA
   pass on lo0 inet6 from fe80::1 to any flags S/SA
   pass on iwm0 inet6 from fe80::a2a8:cdff:fe63:abb9 to any flags S/SA
   pass inet6 from 2001:470:28:658:a2a8:cdff:fe63:abb9 to any flags S/SA
   pass inet6 from 2001:470:28:658:8c43:4c81:e110:9d83 to any flags S/SA
   pass inet from to any flags S/SA
   pass inet from to any flags S/SA

The pfctl command here says to verbosely parse but do not load rules from the file /etc/pf.conf.

This shows what the loaded ruleset will be, after any macro expansions or optimizations.

For that exact reason, it is strongly recommended to review the output of pfctl -vnf on any configuration you write before loading it as your running configuration.

If you look closely at that command output, you will see both the inet and inet6 keywords. These designate IPv4 and IPv6 addresses respectively. PF since the earliest days has supported both, and if you do not specify which address family your rule applies to, it will apply to both.

But this has all been on a boring single host configuration. In my experience, the more interesting settings for PF use is when the configuration is for a host that handles traffic for other hosts, as a gateway or other intermediate host.

To forward traffic to and from other hosts, you need to enable forwarding. You can do that from the command line:

 # sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 
 # sysctl net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1

But you will want to make the change permanent by putting the following lines in your /etc/sysctl.conf so the change survives reboots.


With these settings in place, a configuration (/etc/pf.conf) like this might make sense if your system has two network interfaces that are both of the bge kind:

  client_out = "{ ftp-data ftp ssh domain pop3, imaps nntp https }"
  udp_services = "{ domain ntp }"
  icmp_types = "echoreq unreach"
  match out on egress inet nat-to ($ext_if)
  pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types keep state
  pass quick proto { tcp, udp } to port $udp_services keep state
  pass proto tcp from $int_if:network to port $client_out
  pass proto tcp to self port ssh

Your network likely differs in one or more ways from this example. See the references at the end for a more thorough treatment of all these options.

And once again, please do use the readability features of the PF syntax to keep you sane and safe.

A Configuration That Learns From Network Traffic Seen and Adapts To Conditions

With PF, you can create a network that learns. Fairly early in PF's history it occured to the developers that the network stack collects and keeps track of information about the traffic it sees, which could then be acted upon if the software became able to actively monitor the data and act on specified changes. So the state tracking options entered the pf.conf repertoire in their initial form with the OpenBSD 3.7 release.

A common use case is when you run an SSH service or really any kind of listening service with the option to log in, you will see some number of failed authentication attempts that generate noise in the logs. The password guessing, or as some of us say, password groping, can turn to be pretty annoying even if the miscreants do not actually manage to compromise any of your systems. So to eliminate noise in our logs we turn to the data that is anyway available in the state table, to track the state of active connections, and to act on limits you define such as number of connections from a single host over a set number of seconds.

The action could be to add the source IP that tripped the limit to a table. Additional rules could then subject the members of that table to special treatment. Since that time, my internet-facing rule sets have tended to include variations on

  table <bruteforce> persist
  block quick from <bruteforce>
  pass inet proto tcp from any to $localnet port $tcp_services \
        flags S/SA keep state \
	(max-src-conn 100, max-src-conn-rate 15/5, \
         overload <bruteforce> flush global)

which means that any host that tries more than 100 simultaneous connections or more than 15 new connections over 5 seconds are added to the table and blocked, with any existing connections terminated.

It is a good practice to let table entries in such setups expire eventually. How long entries stay is entirely up to you.

At first I set expiry at 24 hours, but with password gropers like those caught by this rule being what they are, I switched a few years ago to at four weeks at first, then upped again a few months later to six weeks. Groperbots tend to stay broken for that long. And since they target any service you may be running, state tracking options with overload tables can be useful in a lot of non-SSH contexts as well.

A point that observers often miss is that with this configuration, you have a firewall that learns from the traffic it sees and adapts to network conditions.

It is also worth noting that state tracking actions can be applied to all TCP traffic and that they can be useful for essentially all services.

The buzzwordability potential in the learning configurations is enormous, and I for one fail to see how the big names have failed to copy or imitate this feature and greytrapping which we will look at later, and capitalize on products with those features.

The article Forcing the password gropers through a smaller hole with OpenBSD's PF queues has a few suggestions on how to handle noise sources with various other services. More on queues in a few moments.

The Adaptive Firewall and the Greytrapping Game

At the risk of showing my age, I must admit that I have more or less always run a mail service. Once TCP/IP networking became available in some form for even small businesses and individuals during the early 1990s, once you were connected, it was simply one of those things you would do. Setting up an SMTP service (initially wrestling with sendmail and it legendary sendmail.cf configuration file) with accompanying pop3 and/or imap service was the done thing.

Over time the choice of mail server software changed, we introduced content filtering to beat the rise of the trashy, scanny spam mail and, since the majority of clients ran that operating system mail-borne malware. But even with state of the art content filtering some unwanted messages would make it into users' inboxes often enough to be annoying.

So when OpenBSD 3.3 shipped with the initial version of spamd it was quite a relief for people of my job category, even if that only would load lists of known bad senders' IP addresses and stutter at them one byte per second until the other side gave up.

Later versions introduced greylisting — answering SMTP connections from previously unknown senders with a temporary local error code and only accepting delivery if the same host tried again — which reduced the load on the content filtering machines significantly, and the real fun started with the introduction of greytrapping in the version of spamd(8) that shipped with OpenBSD 3.7.

Greytrapping is yet another adaptive or learning feature. The system identifies bad actors by comparing the destination email address in incoming SMTP traffic from unknown or already greylisted hosts with a list of known invalid addresses in the domains the site serves. The spamdb(8) command was extended to add features to add addresses to and delete from the spamtrap list.

Greytrapping was an extremely welcome new feature, and I adopted it eagerly. Soon after the feature became available, I set up for greytrapping. The spamtrap addresses were the ones initially addresses I fished out of my mail server logs — from entries produced by bounce messages that themselves turned out to be undeliverable at our end since the recipient did not exist — and after a few weeks I started publishing both the list of spamtraps and an hourly dump of currently trapped IP addresses.

The setup is amazingly easy. On a typical gateway in front of a mail server you instrument your /etc/pf.conf with a few lines, usually at the top,

  table <spamd-white> persist
  table <nospamd> persist file "/etc/mail/nospamd"
  pass in on egress proto tcp to any port smtp \
        divert-to port spamd
  pass in on egress proto tcp from <nospamd> to any port smtp
  pass in log on egress proto tcp from <spamd-white> to any port smtp
  pass out log on egress proto tcp to any port smtp

Here we even suck in a file that contains the IP addresses of hosts that should not be subjected to the spamd treatment.

In addition you will need to set up with the correct options for spamd(8) and spamdlogd(8) in your /etc/rc.conf.local:

  spamd_flags="-v -G 2:8:864 -n "mailwalla 17.25" -c 1200 -C /etc/mail/fullchain.pem -K /etc/mail/privkey.pem -w 1 -y em1 -Y em1 -Y"
  spamdlogd_flags="-i em1 -Y"

The IP address here designates a sync partner, check out the spamd(8) man page for the other options. If you're interested, you can get the gory details of running a setup with several mail exchangers in the In The Name Of Sane Email: Setting Up OpenBSD's spamd(8) With Secondary MXes In Play - A Full Recipe article.

You probably do not need to edit the configuration file /etc/mail/spamd.conf much, but do look up the man page and possibly references to the bsdly.net blocklist. Finally, reload your PF configuration, start the daemons spamd(8) and spamdlogd(8) using rcctl, set up a crontab(5) line to run spamd-setup(8) at reasonable intervals to fetch updated blocklists.

The number of trapped addresses in the hourly dump has been anything from a few hundred in the earliest days, later in the thousands and even at times in the hundreds of thousands. For the last couple of years the number has generally been in the mid to low four digits, with each host typically hanging around longer to try delivery to an ever expanding number of invalid addresses in their database.

Just a few weeks ago, the list of “imaginary friends” rolled past 300,000 entries. The article The Things Spammers Believe - A Tale of 300,000 Imaginary Friends tells the story with copious links to earlier articles and other resources, while Maintaining A Publicly Available Blacklist - Mechanisms And Principles details the work involved in maintaining a blocklist that is offered to the public.

It's been good fun, with a liberal helping of bizarre as the number of spamtraps grew, sometimes with truly weird contents.

Traffic Shaping You Can Actually Understand

You've heard it before: Traffic shaping is hard. Hard to do and hard to understand.

Traditionally traffic shaping was available on all BSDs in the form of ALTQ, a codebase that its developers labeled experimental and contained implementations of several different traffic shaping algorithms. One central problem was that the configuration syntax was inelegant at best, even after the system was merged into the PF configuration.

In OpenBSD, which runs development on a strict six month release cycle, the code that would eventually replace ALTQ was introduced gradually over several releases.

The first feature to be introduced was always-on, settable priorities with the keyword prio.

A random example shows that this configuration prioritises ssh traffic above most others (the default is 3):

pass proto tcp to port ssh set prio 6

While this configuration makes an attempt at speeding up TCP traffic by assigning a higher priority to lowdelay packets, typically ACKs:

  match out on $ext_if proto tcp from $ext_if set prio (3, 7)
  match in  on $ext_if proto tcp to $ext_if set prio (3, 7)

Next up, the newqueue code did away with the multiple algorithms approach and settled on the Hierarchical fair-service curve (HFSC) as the most flexible option that would even make it possible to emulate or imitate the alternative shaping algorithms from the ALTQ experiment.

HFSC queues are defined on an interface with a hierarchy of child queues, where only the “leaf” queues can be assigned traffic. We take a look at a static allocation first:

  queue main on $ext_if bandwidth 20M
    queue defq parent main bandwidth 3600K default
    queue ftp parent main bandwidth 2000K
    queue udp parent main bandwidth 6000K
    queue web parent main bandwidth 4000K
    queue ssh parent main bandwidth 4000K
      queue ssh_interactive parent ssh bandwidth 800K
      queue ssh_bulk parent ssh bandwidth 3200K
    queue icmp parent main bandwidth 400K

You then tie in the queue assignment, here with match rules

  match log quick on $ext_if proto tcp to port ssh \
        queue (ssh_bulk, ssh_interactive)
  match in quick on $ext_if proto tcp to port ftp queue ftp
  match in quick on $ext_if proto tcp to port www queue http
  match out on $ext_if proto udp queue udp
  match out on $ext_if proto icmp queue icmp

which is definitely the way to add queueing to an existing configuration, and in my view also a good practice for configuration structure reasons. But you can also tack on queue this_or_that_queue at the end of pass rules.

There are two often forgotten facts about HFSC traffic shaping I would like to mention:

Traffic shaping is more often than not a matter of prioritizing which traffic you drop packets for, and no shaping at all takes place before the traffic volume approaches one or more of the limits set by the queue definitions.

One of the beautiful things about modern HFSC queueing is that you can build in flexibility, like this:

  queue rootq on $ext_if bandwidth 20M
    queue main parent rootq bandwidth 20479K min 1M max 20479K qlimit 100
    queue qdef parent main bandwidth 9600K min 6000K max 18M default
    queue qweb parent main bandwidth 9600K min 6000K max 18M
    queue qpri parent main bandwidth 700K min 100K max 1200K
    queue qdns parent main bandwidth 200K min 12K burst 600K for 3000ms
    queue spamd parent rootq bandwidth 1K min 0K max 1K qlimit 300
The min and max values are core to that flexibility. Subordinate queues can 'borrow' bandwidth up to their own max values within the allocation of the parent queue. The combined max queue bandwidth can exceed the root queue's bandwith and still be valid. However the allocation will always top out at the allocated or the actual physical limits of the interface the queue is configured on.

For bursty services such as DNS in our example you can allow burst for a specified time where the allocation can exceed the queue's max value, still within the limits set on the parent queue.

Finally, the qlimit sets the size of the queue's holding buffer. A larger buffer may lead to delays since it packets may be kept longer in the buffer before sending on their way out to the world.

And if you noticed the name of that final, tiny queue, you probably have guessed correctly what it was for. The traffic from hosts that were caught in the spamd net was really horrible, as this systat queues display shows:

 1 users Load 2.56 2.27 2.28                                      skapet.bsdly.net 20:55:50
 rootq on bge0       20M                0       0        0        0    0            0     0
  main               20M                0       0        0        0    0            0     0
   qdef               9M          6416363   2338M      136    15371    0          462 30733
   qweb               9M           431590 144565K        0        0    0          0.6   480
   qpri               2M          2854556 181684K        5      390    0           79  5243
   qdns             100K           802874  68379K        0        0    0          0.6    52
  spamd               1K           596022  36021K  1177533 72871514  299            2   136

It was good, clean fun. And that display did give me a feeling of Mission accomplished.

There are several other tools in the PF toolset such as carp(4) based redundancy for highly available service, relayd(8) for load balancing, application delivery and general network trickery, PF logs and the fact that tcpdump(8) is your friend, and several others that I have enjoyed using but I decided to skip since this was supposed to be a user group talk and a somewhat dense article.

I would encourage you to explore those topics further via the literature listed under the Resources heading for more on these.

Who Else Uses PF Today?

PF originated in OpenBSD, but word of the new subsystem reached other projects quickly and there was considerable interest from the very start.  Over the years, PF has been ported from the original OpenBSD to the other BSDs and a few other systems, including

Other than Oracle with their port to Solaris, most ports of the PF subsystem happened before the OpenBSD 4.7 NAT rewrite, and for that reason they have kept the previous syntax intact.

There may very well be others. There is no duty to actually advertise the fact that you have incorporated BSD licensed code in your product.

If you find other products using PF or other OpenBSD code in the wild, I am interested in hearing from you about it. Please comment or send email to nix at nxdomain dot no.

Resources for Further Exploration

The PF User's Guide

The Book of PF by Peter N. M. Hansteen

Absolute OpenBSD by Michael Lucas

Network Management with the OpenBSD Packet Filter toolset, by Peter N. M. Hansteen, Massimiliano Stucchi and Tom Smyth (A PF tutorial, this is the EuroBSDCon 2022 edition). An earlier, even more extensive set of slides can be found in the 2016-vintage PF tutorial (a fresher update made for AsiaBSDCon 2024 can be ound here.

That Grumpy BSD Guy Blog posts by Peter N. M. Hansteen

OpenBSD Journal News items about OpenBSD, generally short with references to material elsewhere.

by Peter N. M. Hansteen (noreply@blogger.com) atApr 25, 2024 11:01

Fun Facts About the April 2024 Cisco Attack Data

A commendable attack data dump, lightly analyzed.

In the morning hours (CEST) of April 17, 2024, I found in my social media stream a reference to an Ars Technica article titled UNDER SIEGE — Attackers are pummeling networks around the world with millions of login attempts.

NOTE: A version without trackers but “classical” formatting is available here.

Articles about recent or ongoing attacks are not uncommon, but this time I was delighted to see that the report included a link to the actual data, provided by Cisco subsidiary Talos Intelligence.

When I downloaded the data approximately 09:15 CEST, the data consisted of

5243 unique IP addresses
2105 unique user names
71 unique passwords

I was initially a bit annoyed that the each group of data had apparently not been sorted, so I was a bit worried about possible duplicate entries, but closer inspection showed that I had not needed to worry.

Returning readers will be aware that at nxdomain.no (aka bsdly.net we have been collecting data on attacks and attackers for some time already, as described in Badness, Enumerated by Robots (also available with nicer formatting but with trackers here) and various material linked from that article.

So naturally my impulse was to see whether there was any overlap between the data Cisco provided and the data collected here.

A few quick rounds for sorting and diffing (or very close equivalents), the results were clear:

of the 5243 unique IP addresses, none were in the currently trapped ssh bruteforcers set or the historical pop3 gropers set.
of the 2105 unique user names, a total of 1595 were not already included in the existing spamtraps list

of the 71 unique passwords, 34 or almost half of the total were not already in the spamtraps list.

If the last item made you chuckle, I am not surprised. But I have also observed at various times that bot herders (or possibly bot feeders) have managed to feed the data the wrong way around to their charges.

The biggest surprise here is that there was no overlap in hosts participating in the campaign against the Cisco customers and hosts that had participated in password guessing against my (for all practical purposes) honeypot system.

One possible explanation could be that the attackers here were targeting only specific products, possibly based on previous intelligence gathering. An alternative explanation could be that they were specifically avoiding certain hosts, such as those running the rather security oriented operating system OpenBSD that we use at this site.

The overlap in user names and passwords mistakenly used as user names with previously collected data here is less surprising.

After this very lightweight analysis, I went to the next logical step and added the offending IP addresses to the bruteforcers list and appended a @bsdly.net suffix to the user names and passwords, and added them to the spamtraps list.

I would like to thank Cisco-Talos for sharing the data on this incident freely.

If you found this article useful, interesting or even annoying, I would like to hear from you.

Good night and good luck.

NOTE: If you follow the references in the various other articles, please keep in mind that the command examples there were written from an OpenBSD perspective. Details of command syntax may be different from the implementations on other Unixlikes.

by Peter N. M. Hansteen (noreply@blogger.com) atApr 25, 2024 09:07

April 17, 2024

Petter Reinholdtsen

RAID status from LSI Megaraid controllers in Debian

I am happy to report that the megactl package, useful to fetch RAID status when using the LSI Megaraid controller, now is available in Debian. It passed NEW a few days ago, and is now available in unstable, and probably showing up in testing in a weeks time. The new version should provide Appstream hardware mapping and should integrate nicely with isenkram.

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Apr 17, 2024 15:00

April 05, 2024

Salve J. Nilsen

Open Source components you depend on are not “third-party components”

When using the term "third-party", we usually refer to someone who is not part of an agreement, but who may still be influencing (or be influenced by) it. When this party is an Open Source project, I propose to use term "second-party" instead. Here's why.

by Salve J. Nilsen atApr 05, 2024 19:49

April 03, 2024

Salve J. Nilsen

A Vocabulary for a New Open Source Age

With the EU Cyber Resilience Act arriving in 2024, software in general is – for the first time – about to be legislated. This means any business who wishes to place software on the EU market will have to comply to new cybersecurity demands, and by implication this will affect tens of thousands of Open … Continue reading A Vocabulary for a New Open Source Age

by Salve J. Nilsen atApr 03, 2024 10:01

March 01, 2024

Nicolai Langfeldt


So, I'm fiddeling with various stuff at work, and need to retrieve DNS zones.  The suite I'm currently working is in python so 2 minutes later it turns out that dnspython ("import dns") is the powerful choice.

10 minutes later it turns out that it is very poorly documented. The documentation is auto-generated and there seems to be no introductory material to any part of the gargantuan class hierarchy other than some very sparse examples. Printing the objects returned isn't much help, they all seem to be very clever generators and stuff or have as_text methods. This is probably my python newbieness that's shining through, but I just can't seem to find accessor methods for the DNS records (objects) returned even.

As ever on the Internet, someone has felt the pain already, and done a good deed.  Already in 2005 even. So presenting http://agiletesting.blogspot.com/2005/08/managing-dns-zone-files-with-dnspython.html 

(Mumble.  Someone ought to start a wiki to document it, but unfortunately that won't be me)

by nicolai (noreply@blogger.com) atMar 01, 2024 14:49

January 01, 2024

NUUG Foundation


NUUG Foundation utlyser reisestipender Søknader kan sendes inn til enhver tid.

Jan 01, 2024 10:24

November 21, 2023

Espen Braastad

Filebin.net has moved to Hetzner

About the move Yesterday, on the 20th of November 2023, the hosting of the filebin.net service was moved from Redpill Linpro in Norway to Hetzner in Germany. Shout out to Redpill Linpro for providing free hosting for 11 years! Some history Filebin was a hobby project that let me learn the HTML5 File API. The end result made it easy to share photos and videos with friends and family, which was difficult at the time for non technical people.

Nov 21, 2023 22:00

August 29, 2023

NUUG Foundation

ISOC Norge session on cryptography

Experts in applied cryptography will discuss current practices, including key management and quantum key cryptography

Aug 29, 2023 18:06

August 26, 2023

NUUG news

Støtteerklæring til Datatilsynet

NUUG (Norwegian Unix User Group) er opptatt av å beskytte individets privatsfære og personlige integritet i den digitale tidsalderen. Vi anerkjenner viktigheten av å regulere og overvåke bruken av persondata, spesielt når det kommer til adferdsbasert markedsføring på plattformer som Facebook og Instagram.

Datatilsynets beslutning om å legge ned midlertidig forbud mot adferdsbasert markedsføring på Facebook og Instagram i Norge er et viktig skritt for å beskytte norske borgere mot uønsket overvåkning og profilering. Dette tiltaket er i tråd med prinsippene om personvern og datasikkerhet som vi, en forening som støtter fri programvare og åpne standarder, har kjempet for i mange år.

Vi mener at Datatilsynet tar et helt korrekt, og absolutt nødvendig standpunkt for å sikre at innbyggernes personlige data blir behandlet på en rettferdig og lovlig måte. Det er viktig at selskaper som Meta blir stilt til ansvar, følger regelverket og gir brukerne muligheten til å ta informerte valg når det gjelder deres persondata, som et lite skritt på veien mot å få slutt på innsamling og utnytting av privat informasjon.

Vi støtter helhjertet opp om Datatilsynets arbeid med å håndheve personvernregler og opprettholde individets rettigheter i den digitale sfæren.

Med vennlig hilsen,
Peter N. M. Hansteen
Styreleder, Norwegian Unix User Group (NUUG)

Aug 26, 2023 10:30

June 13, 2023

Dag-Erling Smørgrav

DNS over TLS in FreeBSD with Quad9

It has come to my attention that Quad9 have a blog post providing incorrect instructions for how to set up a FreeBSD system to use their service. I have attempted to get in touch with the author and get him to correct it but have received no response. So here, for the benefit of the Great Search Engine Gods, is the correct procedure; see my earlier post on the topic for more details on how it works.

# cat >/etc/rc.conf.d/local_unbound <<EOF
local_unbound_forwarders=" 2620:fe::fe@853#dns.quad9.net 2620:fe::9@853#dns.quad9.net"
# service local_unbound setup
# service local_unbound restart

No need to reboot.

Note that if you only have IPv4, you may experience slightly degraded performance unless you leave out the IPv6 addresses from the local_unbound_forwarders line (and vice versa in the unlikely scenario where you only have IPv6).

by Dag-Erling Smørgrav atJun 13, 2023 18:26

December 05, 2022

Ole Aamot – GNOME Development Blog

Saving GNU Network Object Model Environment 44 on a Network Service

Consider saving the entire sources of https://download.gnome.org/sources/ by uploading the sources of the latest sources to a Network as a Service entity such as gnomevoice.org.

Printing source code saved GNOME 2.0 after the Red Hat, Inc.’s Power Failure in North Carolina during Winter 1999, as GNOME 1.0 is suddenly lost.

A worldwide power failure should be of our greatest concern at the moment.

Never put all of your eggs in the same basket, was the lesson learnt from open source domains such as sf.net, mozillathunderbird.org, and gphoto.fix.no.

We must also be prepared to save Project GNOME Voice like a Network as a Service.

Copyleft Solutions is the current Network as a Service host of gnomeradio.org and gnomevoice.org.

by oleaamot atDec 05, 2022 07:35

Apology regarding mail.gnome.org

I work on Radio, Gingerblue and Voice, and previously I worked on gPhoto in the GNOME Project since November 1998.

While I have written, always as a non-profit, non-paid volunteer for the GNU and the GNOME project, Radio in 2002-2022, Gingerblue in 2018-2022 and Voice in 2022, and I posted org.gnome.Radio during GUADEC 2022 with criticism for posting it publicly from one significant member of the GNOME community, I have always stood up for common and core GNOME values since I took part at the discussion of the GNOME Foundation at ENST in Paris in March 2000. I joined GNOME in November 1998 (24 years ago) after co-launching and working on the GNU Photo project for digital still photography device support in GNOME in November 1998 that turned into gPhoto in 1999.

I have seen a gradual transition of GNOME services away from people.gnome.org since 2020 that I never spoke up on.

GNOME Foundation’s board of directors agreed to the gradual transition away from the mailing lists years ago, so I doubt they’ll suddenly change tack now. Even I’m familiar with the discussions and plans around this planned change, all though I wasn’t an active GNOME contributor between 2004-2014, I disagreed with the GNOME Foundation.

You can view the historic email archives on mail.gnome.org and the GNOME Foundation list at https://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-list/

Where will future GNOME Foundation discussions take place? Most likely on https://discourse.gnome.org.

My experience with this platform is vague. I am more familiar with mail.gnome.org. However, the voting of the GNOME Foundation’s board of directors stands.

mail.gnome.org is going stale after 25 1/2 years of service in the project.

Today I am announcing that I am leaving the GNOME Foundation after 25 years of service and will work further on the gnomeradio.org, gingerblue.org, and gnomevoice.org domains, as well as complete my thesis Public Voice Communication about the software Voice (gnome-voice) at NTNU before June 24th, 2024.

Thesis: Public Voice Communication

by oleaamot atDec 05, 2022 00:00

August 04, 2022

Nicolai Langfeldt

Backup of postgres in a kubernetes pod (and a docker container)

Kubernetes is a lot of things, some cool, some vexsome.

One of the things is that it does not necessarily make it easy to make backups of data stored in pods.  And if the data is a database you can't really back it up from the outside in the data storage mount either since the backup is liable to become inconsistent and unusable. You have to deal with the database engine to get a consistent backup.

At work we have a self hosted kubernetes cluster and quite a bit og old fashioned infrastructure too.  Lately some postgres databases have been deployed here with the bitnami helm chart.

We use automation tools to set up backups and all kinds of things.  And in these tools we prefer not to put passwords if we can avoid it.

One _could_ make a backup using pg_dump or similar giving it the pod IP, username and password, but we'd like to avoid that.

Examining the bitnami postgres pod it was set up quite interestingly with postgres running at uid 1001 which does not have a user account associated. This is apparently to accomodate openshift.  It also makes it quite hard to run psql inside the pod:

$ psql  
psql: local user with ID 1001 does not exist

There are additional things that complicate it.  Studying the github issues for the helm chart I found that the makers of this had a workaround.  After experimenting with kubectl I managed to construct a command that does not require us to put the database password into the backup script:

kubectl exec -n $NAMESPACE $PODNAME -- bash -c ". /opt/bitnami/scripts/libpostgresql.sh && postgresql_enable_nss_wrapper && PGPASSWORD=\$POSTGRES_PASSWORD pg_dump $OPTS -c -U postgres $DB"

The magic is in libpostgresql.sh and the postgresql_enable_nss_wrapper, which makes the user "postgres" defined for the commands that follow.

You have to supply the environment variables NAMESPACE, PODNAME, the optional OPTS for options and DB yourself. POSTGRES_PASSWORD is taken from the deployed pod.

by nicolai (noreply@blogger.com) atAug 04, 2022 11:49

October 10, 2021

Dag-Erling Smørgrav

Automatic Let’s Encrypt certificates in Apache with mod_md

Since 2.4.30, Apache comes with experimental support for ACME certificates (Let’s Encrypt et al.) in the form of mod_md (short for “managed domains”). It’s kind of a pain but it’s still better than what I had before, i.e. a mess of shell and Perl scripts based on Crypt::LE, and if your use case is limited to Apache, it appears to be simpler than Certbot as well. Unfortunately for me, it’s not very well documented and I wasted a considerable amount of time figuring out how to use it. Fortunately for you, I then decided to blog about it so you don’t have to repeat my mistakes.

Edit: the author of mod_md, Stefan Eissing, got in touch and pointed me to his own documentation, which is far superior to the one available from Apache.

My starting point is a freshly installed FreeBSD 13.0 server with Apache 2.4, but this isn’t really OS dependent.

First, you will need mod_ssl (of course) and a session cache, and you will need to tweak the TLS parameters, as the defaults are far from fine.

LoadModule ssl_module libexec/apache24/mod_ssl.so
SSLProtocol +TLSv1.3 +TLSv1.2
SSLHonorCipherOrder off
SSLCompression off

LoadModule socache_dbm_module libexec/apache24/mod_socache_dbm.so
SSLSessionCache dbm:/var/db/httpd_ssl_cache.db

You will also need to load mod_md, of course, and mod_watchdog, which mod_md needs to function.

LoadModule watchdog_module libexec/apache24/mod_watchdog.so
LoadModule md_module libexec/apache24/mod_md.so
MDCertificateAgreement accepted
MDContactEmail acme@example.com

The MDCertificateAgreement directive indicates that you have read and accepted Let’s Encrypt’s subscriber agreement, while MDContactEmail is the email address that you used to sign up to Let’s Encrypt.

You will also need mod_rewrite to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS and mod_headers for HSTS.

LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache24/mod_rewrite.so
LoadModule headers_module libexec/apache24/mod_headers.so

By default, Apache only listens on port 80, so you’ll need an extra Listen directive for port 443.

Listen 443

And as always with Apache, you should probably set ServerName and ServerAdmin to sensible values.

ServerName server.example.com
ServerAdmin www@example.com

Next, set up an HTTP-only virtual host that you can use to check the status of mod_md.

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName localhost
  <Location />
    Require ip ::1
  <Location "/md-status">
    SetHandler md-status

(Once Apache is running, you will be able to query it at any time as http://localhost/md-status.)

On to the actual website. First, you need to tell mod_md to manage certificates for it.

MDomain site.example.com

Next, set up a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS for everything except ACME challenge tokens.

<VirtualHost localhost:80>
  ServerName site.example.com
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule "^/(?!.well-known/acme-challenge)(.*)" https://site.example.com/$1 [R=301,L]
  ErrorLog /www/site.example.com/logs/http-error.log
  CustomLog /www/site.example.com/logs/http-access.log combined

And finally, the site itself, including HSTS and strict SNI:

<VirtualHost *:443>
  ServerName site.example.com
  SSLEngine on
  SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck On
  Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15552000; includeSubdomains;"
  DocumentRoot /www/site.example.com/data
  IncludeOptional /www/site.example.com/etc/*.conf
  ErrorLog /www/site.example.com/logs/https-error.log
  CustomLog /www/site.example.com/logs/https-access.log combined

Now start Apache and monitor the error log. You should see something like this pretty quickly:

[Sun Oct 10 16:15:27.450401 2021] [md:notice] [pid 12345] AH10059: The Managed Domain site.example.com has been setup and changes will be activated on next (graceful) server restart.

Once you do as it says (apachectl graceful), your site will be up and running and you can head over to the Qualys SSL Server Test and admire your solid A+.

Download the sample configuration and try it out yourself.

by Dag-Erling Smørgrav atOct 10, 2021 18:19

May 19, 2021

NUUG news

Vet du hva du mister når du bare klikker OK for å komme i gang med å bruke noe?

Retten til privatlivets fred, retten til å reparere og retten til å velge verktøy er sider av samme sak. En ny rettsavgjørelse i Italia kan hjelpe oss å vinne tilbake rettigheter vi ble manipulert til å si fra oss.

Du tenker nok ikke på det så ofte, men om du er en vanlig IT-bruker i et industrialisert land har du sannsynligvis blitt lurt til å si fra deg rettigheter. Dette skjer i et slikt omfang at menneskerettsinteresserte burde være bekymret.

Tenk på når du skal ta i bruk noe du er interessert i, enten det er en datamaskin av noe slag som for eksempel PC, nettbrett eller telefon, eller en nettbasert tjeneste.

La oss først se nærmere på hva som skjer når du får ny datamaskin, nettbrett eller telefon i hus. Noe av det første som skjer etter at du har slått på strømmen for den nye enheten, og helt sikkert før du får mulighet til å bruke dingsen til det du ønsker å gjøre, er at du må godta en juridisk bindende avtale som er utformet av og for de som har produsert utstyret. For å kunne bruke det du har kjøpt, må du godta en avtale som styrer hva du kan bruke enheten til.

I mange tilfeller er det flere slike avtaler som blir presentert, hver med sin egen registrering av om du godtar eller ikke.

Noen av disse avtalene begrenser hva du kan bruke enheten til, mens andre gir leverandøren eller noen som samarbeider med leverandøren lov til å samle inn informasjon om deg og hva du foretar deg med enheten.

Mange av disse ja/nei-spørsmålene gir inntrykk av at du har mulighet til å nekte å godta, men du vil se at du sannsynligvis ikke kommer videre til å ha en gjenstand som er reelt brukbar til tiltenkt bruk før du har godtatt alle disse avtalene.

En av de mest tydelige konsekvensene av COVID 19-krisen er at en større andel av befolkningen ble presset over til nesten helt digital tilværelse, der kommunikasjon både i jobb- og skolesammenheng foregår via digitale enheter og via tjenester som leveres på vilkår av avtaler som er diktert av leverandørene. For noen av oss har tilværelsen vært nær heldigital i en årrekke allerede, men for mange er det en ny situasjon og det går langsomt opp for flere at viktige friheter og rettigheter kan være i ferd med å gå tapt.

Problemstillingen er ikke ny. Mange av oss i IT-miljøer har lenge advart mot at det vi regner som menneskerettigheter eller borgerrettigheter er i ferd med å bli gradvis slipt vekk til fordel for enkelte bedrifter og deres eiere.

Når du slår på en ny datamaskin eller telefon for første gang, blir du sannsynligvis nesten med en gang bedt om å godta en "sluttbrukerlisens" for operativsystemet, altså programvaren som styrer enheten. I sin enkleste form er en lisens et dokument som angir vilkårene for at noen andre enn den som har laget et åndsverk (her programvaren) får tillatelse til å lage eksemplarer av verket. Men i mange tilfeller inneholder lisensdokumentet mer detaljerte og omfattende vilkår. Ofte er lisensavtalen formulert som om du har rett til å avslå å bruke operativsystemet og slette eksemplarer som følger med eller levere tilbake fysiske eksemplarer og få tilbake pengene, men at du kan fortsette å bruke den fysiske maskinen. En del av oss som har kjøpt PCer og annet har vært i stand til å installere et annet system enn det som ble levert med maskinen, og valgt å leve det digitale livet ved hjelp av frie alternativer som for eksempel Linux eller OpenBSD. En del av oss gjør dette for å få mer direkte kontroll over verktøyene vi bruker.

Om vi har forsøkt å få tilbake penger for en ubrukt operativsystemlisens har de fleste av oss aldri klart å få det til. Men det skal vi komme tilbake til.

Om du har klart å installere et fritt alternativ til det operativsystemet som enheten ble levert med, har du slått et slag for retten til å velge verktøy og retten til å reparere og råde over dine egne eiendeler. Men dessverre er ikke dette det eneste punktet i ditt digitale liv der rettighetene dine er i fare.

Uansett om du godtok sluttbrukerlisensen eller ikke, kommer du fort ut for for programvare eller nettbaserte tjenester som presenterer sine egne sluttbrukeravtaler. Det er en stor sjanse for at du bare klikker OK uten å lese vilkårene i avtalen.

Ta gjerne nå en pause for å sjekke hva du faktisk har gått med på. Sannsynligvis finner du at både operativsystemleverandører og sosiale medier-tjenester har fått deg til å gi dem tillatelse til å registrere hva du foretar deg når du bruker systemet eller tjenesten. Ta gjerne tiden til å sjekke alle produkter og tjenester du har registrert deg hos. Det er sannsynlig at ikke bare en, men de aller fleste av de tjenestene og produktene du bruker på en nett-tilkoblet enhet har gitt seg selv retten til å fange inn og lagre data om hva du foretar deg. Hvis du bruker enheten til noe som helst privat eller følsomt, er det verd å se nøye etter hvilke konsekvenser disse avtalene har for din rett til privatliv og beskyttelse av privatsfæren.

På papiret (om vi skal uttrykke oss gammeldags) har vi som bor i EU og EØS-land rett til å få utlevert data som er lagret om oss og eventuelt få rettet feil eller til og med få slettet data i samsvar med EUs personvernforordning (GDPR). Hvis det du fant ut mens du sjekket avtalene mens du tok pause fra å lese denne teksten gjør deg usikker eller bekymret er det god grunn til å ta i bruk retten til innsyn, utlevering, retting eller sletting. Om du ikke får meningsfylt svar, ta kontakt med Datatilsynet eller Forbrukertilsynet, som bør stå klare til å hjelpe.

Men hva så med retten til å reparere eller retten til å velge verktøy? Jo, også på det feltet er det grunn til håp. Etter en omfattende prosess kom nemlig en domstol i Italia frem til at ikke bare hadde en Linux-entusiast rett til å installere Linux på sin nye Lenovo-datamaskin, slik at kunden også hadde rett til å refundert prisen for operativsystemet som ikke ville bli brukt. Og siden Lenovo hadde prøvd å ikke etterleve sine forpliktelser som var angitt i sluttbrukerlisensen som ble presentert for kunden, ble de ilagt en bot på 20 000 Euro.

En slik rettsavgjørelse er ikke direkte presedensskapende for andre europeiske land, og det finnes avgjørelser i andre land som ikke ga kunden medhold i at operativsystem og datamaskin kunne behandles som separate varer. Vi i den norske Unix-brukergruppen (Norwegian Unix User Group - NUUG) deltar nå i et samarbeid som koordineres av Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) for å forsvare og styrke din og min rett til privatliv, rett til å reparere og rett til å velge verktøy for å styre vår digitale tilværelse.

Hvis noe av det du nå har lest bekymrer deg, gjør deg forvirret, sint eller bare engasjert for å styrke våre borger- og menneskeretter i den digitale tilværelsen vil vi bli glade for å høre fra deg.

Peter N. M. Hansteen
Styreleder i Norwegian Unix User Group (NUUG)

Den italienske rettsavgjørelsen som gir oss håp er beskrevet på FSFEs nettsted: Refund of pre-installed Windows: Lenovo must pay 20,000 euros in damages

An English version is available as Are you aware what you lose by just clicking OK to get started using something?

May 19, 2021 16:13

May 31, 2018

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer

Kan samisk brukes i det offentlige rom?

Hvis vi hadde laget et program som oversatte fra norsk til samisk, ville resultatet ha vært en samisk som er minst like dårlig som den norsken vi er i stand til å lage nå. Norsk og samisk er grammatisk sett svært ulike, og det er vanskelig å få til god samisk på grunnlag av norsk. Et slikt program vil føre til publisering av en hel masse svært dårlig samisk. En situasjon der mesteparten av all samisk publisert på internett kommer fra våre program fortoner seg som et mareritt. Det ville rett og slett ha ødelagt den samiske skriftkulturen.

Sjå kronikken: https://www.nordnorskdebatt.no/samisk-sprak/digitalisering/facebook/kan-samisk-brukes-i-det-offentlige-rom/o/5-124-48030

by unhammer atMay 31, 2018 09:00

October 23, 2017

Espen Braastad

ZFS NAS using CentOS 7 from tmpfs

Following up on the CentOS 7 root filesystem on tmpfs post, here comes a guide on how to run a ZFS enabled CentOS 7 NAS server (with the operating system) from tmpfs. Hardware HP ProLiant MicroServer HP ProLiant MicroServer Remote Access Card AMD Turion(tm) II Neo N54L Dual-Core Processor 2x 8 GB 1333 MHZ ECC memory modules 4x 4 TB SATA hard drives (HGST, Western Digital and Seagate) Built-in Broadcom Limited NetXtreme BCM5723 Gigabit Ethernet adapter Preparing the build environment The disk image is built in macOS using Packer and VirtualBox.

Oct 23, 2017 23:20

February 13, 2017

Mimes brønn

En innsynsbrønn full av kunnskap

Mimes brønn er en nettjeneste som hjelper deg med å be om innsyn i offentlig forvaltning i tråd med offentleglova og miljøinformasjonsloven. Tjenesten har et offentlig tilgjengelig arkiv over alle svar som er kommet på innsynsforespørsler, slik at det offentlige kan slippe å svare på de samme innsynshenvendelsene gang på gang. Du finner tjenesten på


I følge gammel nordisk mytologi voktes kunnskapens kilde av Mime og ligger under en av røttene til verdenstreet Yggdrasil. Å drikke av vannet i Mimes brønn ga så verdifull kunnskap og visdom at den unge guden Odin var villig til å gi et øye i pant og bli enøyd for å få lov til å drikke av den.

Nettstedet vedlikeholdes av foreningen NUUG og er spesielt godt egnet for politisk interesserte personer, organisasjoner og journalister. Tjenesten er basert på den britiske søstertjenesten WhatDoTheyKnow.com, som allerede har gitt innsyn som har resultert i dokumentarer og utallige presseoppslag. I følge mySociety for noen år siden gikk ca 20 % av innsynshenvendelsene til sentrale myndigheter via WhatDoTheyKnow. Vi i NUUG håper NUUGs tjeneste Mimes brønn kan være like nyttig for innbyggerne i Norge.

I helgen ble tjenesten oppdatert med mye ny funksjonalitet. Den nye utgaven fungerer bedre på små skjermer, og viser nå leveringsstatus for henvendelsene slik at innsender enklere kan sjekke at mottakers epostsystem har bekreftet mottak av innsynshenvendelsen. Tjenesten er satt opp av frivillige i foreningen NUUG på dugnad, og ble lansert sommeren 2015. Siden den gang har 121 brukere sendt inn mer enn 280 henvendelser om alt fra bryllupsutleie av Operaen og forhandlinger om bruk av Norges topp-DNS-domene .bv til journalføring av søknader om bostøtte, og nettstedet er en liten skattekiste av interessant og nyttig informasjon. NUUG har knyttet til seg jurister som kan bistå med å klage på manglende innsyn eller sviktende saksbehandling.

– «NUUGs Mimes brønn var uvurderlig da vi lyktes med å sikre at DNS-toppdomenet .bv fortsatt er på norske hender,» forteller Håkon Wium Lie.

Tjenesten dokumenterer svært sprikende praksis i håndtering av innsynshenvendelser, både når det gjelder responstid og innhold i svarene. De aller fleste håndteres raskt og korrekt, men det er i flere tilfeller gitt innsyn i dokumenter der ansvarlig etat i ettertid ønsker å trekke innsynet tilbake, og det er gitt innsyn der sladdingen har vært utført på en måte som ikke skjuler informasjonen som skal sladdes.

– «Offentlighetsloven er en bærebjelke for vårt demokrati. Den bryr seg ikke med hvem som ber om innsyn, eller hvorfor. Prosjektet Mimes brønn innebærer en materialisering av dette prinsippet, der hvem som helst kan be om innsyn og klage på avslag, og hvor dokumentasjon gjøres offentlig. Dette gjør Mimes Brønn til et av de mest spennende åpenhetsprosjektene jeg har sett i nyere tid.» forteller mannen som fikk åpnet opp eierskapsregisteret til skatteetaten, Vegard Venli.

Vi i foreningen NUUG håper Mimes brønn kan være et nyttig verktøy for å holde vårt demokrati ved like.

by Mimes Brønn atFeb 13, 2017 14:07

July 15, 2016

Mimes brønn

Hvem har drukket fra Mimes brønn?

Mimes brønn har nå vært oppe i rundt et år. Derfor vi tenkte det kunne være interessant å få en kortfattet statistikk om hvordan tjenesten er blitt brukt.

I begynnelsen av juli 2016 hadde Mimes brønn 71 registrerte brukere som hadde sendt ut 120 innsynshenvendelser, hvorav 62 (52%) var vellykkede, 19 (16%) delvis vellykket, 14 (12%) avslått, 10 (8%) fikk svar at organet ikke hadde informasjonen, og 12 henvendelser (10%; 6 fra 2016, 6 fra 2015) fortsatt var ubesvarte. Et fåtall (3) av hendvendelsene kunne ikke kategoriseres. Vi ser derfor at rundt to tredjedeler av henvendelsene var vellykkede, helt eller delvis. Det er bra!

Tiden det tar før organet først sender svar varierer mye, fra samme dag (noen henvendelser sendt til Utlendingsnemnda, Statens vegvesen, Økokrim, Mediatilsynet, Datatilsynet, Brønnøysundregistrene), opp til 6 måneder (Ballangen kommune) eller lenger (Stortinget, Olje- og energidepartementet, Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet, UDI – Utlendingsdirektoratet, og SSB har mottatt innsynshenvendelser som fortsatt er ubesvarte). Gjennomsnittstiden her var et par uker (med unntak av de 12 tilfellene der det ikke har kommet noe svar). Det følger av offentlighetsloven § 29 første ledd at henvendelser om innsyn i forvaltningens dokumenter skal besvares «uten ugrunnet opphold», noe som ifølge Sivilombudsmannen i de fleste tilfeller skal fortolkes som «samme dag eller i alle fall i løpet av 1-3 virkedager». Så her er det rom for forbedring.

Klageretten (offentleglova § 32) ble benyttet i 20 av innsynshenvendelsene. I de fleste (15; 75%) av tilfellene førte klagen til at henvendelsen ble vellykket. Gjennomsnittstiden for å få svar på klagen var en måned (med unntak av 2 tillfeller, klager sendt til Statens vegvesen og Ruter AS, der det ikke har kommet noe svar). Det er vel verdt å klage, og helt gratis! Sivilombudsmannen har uttalt at 2-3 uker ligger over det som er akseptabel saksbehandlingstid for klager.

Flest henvendelser var blitt sendt til Utenriksdepartementet (9), tett etterfulgt av Fredrikstad kommune og Brønnøysundregistrene. I alt ble henvendelser sendt til 60 offentlige myndigheter, hvorav 27 ble tilsendt to eller flere. Det står over 3700 myndigheter i databasen til Mimes brønn. De fleste av dem har dermed til gode å motta en innsynshenvendelse via tjenesten.

Når vi ser på hva slags informasjon folk har bedt om, ser vi et bredt spekter av interesser; alt fra kommunens parkeringsplasser, reiseregninger der statens satser for overnatting er oversteget, korrespondanse om asylmottak og forhandlinger om toppdomenet .bv, til dokumenter om Myanmar.

Myndighetene gjør alle mulige slags ting. Noe av det gjøres dÃ¥rlig, noe gjør de bra. Jo mer vi finner ut om hvordan  myndighetene fungerer, jo større mulighet har vi til Ã¥ foreslÃ¥ forbedringer pÃ¥ det som fungerer dÃ¥rlig… og applaudere det som  bra.  Er det noe du vil ha innsyn i, sÃ¥ er det bare Ã¥ klikke pÃ¥ https://www.mimesbronn.no/ og sÃ¥ er du i gang 🙂

by Mimes Brønn atJul 15, 2016 15:56

June 01, 2016

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer

Maskinomsetjing vs NTNU-eksaminator

Twitter-brukaren @IngeborgSteine fekk nyleg ein del merksemd då ho tvitra eit bilete av nynorskutgåva av økonomieksamenen sin ved NTNU:

Dette var min økonomieksamen på "nynorsk". #nynorsk #noregsmållag #kvaialledagar https://t.co/RjCKSU2Fyg
Ingeborg Steine (@IngeborgSteine) May 30, 2016

Kreative nyvinningar som *kvisleis og alle dialektformene og arkaismane ville vore usannsynlege å få i ei maskinomsett utgåve, så då lurte eg på kor mykje betre/verre det hadde blitt om eksaminatoren rett og slett hadde brukt Apertium i staden? Ingeborg Steine var så hjelpsam at ho la ut bokmålsutgåva, så då får me prøva 🙂


Ingen kvisleis og fritt for tær og fyr, men det er heller ikkje perfekt: Visse ord manglar frå ordbøkene og får dermed feil bøying, teller blir tolka som substantiv, ein anna maskin har feil bøying på førsteordet (det mangla ein regel der) og at blir ein stad tolka som adverb (som fører til det forunderlege fragmentet det verta at anteke tilvarande). I tillegg blir språket gjenkjent som tatarisk av nettsida, så det var kanskje litt tung norsk? 🙂 Men desse feila er ikkje spesielt vanskelege å retta på – utviklingsutgåva av Apertium gir no:


Det er enno eit par småting som kunne vore retta, men det er allereie betre enn dei fleste eksamenane eg fekk utdelt ved UiO …

by unhammer atJun 01, 2016 09:45

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